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How My Toddler Is Teaching Me Self-Love

My second son is teaching me how to love myself. He does this through his boundless 3-year-old energy and his charmed perception. I prided myself on becoming pregnant fairly easily without any medical intervention at 45. However, there is no fooling around when you have a child at this age. Everything counts and keeps score: how you eat, sleep, move, think and ingest stress or not. What matters the most: how you spend your precious time and energy. I can’t skip a workout. I need to pickup a child who feels like a sack of wet rice. Deciding to have a cheat day from my anti-inflammatory diet often results in a migraine and debilitating ear pain. No longer can I avoid my creativity or put it off. Niko senses my bad mood and starts clinging to me as if he is afraid that I will disappear. In a way, he is sensing the truth. Without creative expression, the tone of my days are the dull grey of a half-lived life. A child can feel what you are feeling even if you can’t. When...

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